Write More,
Be Less Careful
Write More, Be Less Careful is a newsletter about why writing is hard and how to do it anyway. If you’re looking for help making space for your writing in a busy life, you’ll find lots of tips and support and community.
Before my first kid was born, I was afraid that the pressures of parenting would get in the way of writing—but I found instead that motherhood cracked me open and transformed my creative life. Write More is for anyone looking for writing encouragement, inspiration, and practical guidance—and it’s especially attuned to the ways that caregiving of all kinds can be both a challenge and a boon for creative work
When you subscribe (it’s free!) you’ll get . . .
🌿 a monthly intentions post on the last Sunday before a new month that’s designed to help you think about your priorities for your writing life in the month ahead
🐙 interviews in the good creatures series about caregiving and creative work
✍️ essays and interviews about craft and writing process in the tending series
🌟 and an occasional writing prompt, piece of writing I love, or a question to chat about
We also have an occasional zoom party where we gather to create vision boards and make writing goals. (If a 🎉planning party 🎉 sounds like your kind of Sunday afternoon, you are in the right place for sure.) Stay tuned for more upcoming fun.
A few fun things about Write More:
We’ve been a Substack featured publication, and we were included in the Writers at Work roundup of the 20 Best Creative Writing Substacks.
Write More has been featured in Electric Literature as one of “7 Newsletters That Will Improve Your Writing” (alongside actual heroes Jami Attenberg, Matt Bell, Nicole Chung, and more!).
For Jane Friedman’s website, I wrote about how this newsletter (this very one!) helped me find an agent and get a book deal for my first book of nonfiction, The Good Mother Myth.
And I talked to Sarah Fay from Writers at Work about building community on a newsletter.