

zoom workshop on caregiving and creativity with Maggie Smith

Join Nancy and Maggie Smith, author of You Could Make This Place Beautiful and the forthcoming Dear Writer, for a zoom workshop and celebration.

This event is a thank you for pre-ordering The Good Mother Myth—to get your invite, pre-order the book, then enter your info at this link. (For extra fun, grab a copy for a friend, then bring them to the zoom party, too!)

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Learn to Pitch: Personal Essays, Book Reviews, and More at Arts + Literature Laboratory, Madison

Join Nancy for an in-person workshop at the Arts + Literature Laboratory in Madison.

Have you ever wondered how to break into the freelance market? Do you have a great idea for an essay, but don't know how to find the right publication and pitch the idea to editors? 

This hands-on workshop will introduce participants to the essentials of pitching personal essays, service journalism, book reviews, interviews, and reported pieces. We’ll read examples of successful pitches and discuss strategies for finding editors and pitch guides. We’ll work together to start crafting your own pitch. You’ll leave the workshop with one pitch ready to go–and the resources and encouragement to pitch your good ideas out into the world.

All the info and the link to register is here.

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